By Lauri Kent, Texas Realtor


Welcome to the blog about home value, home selling, and all the political and financial winds that blow that can affect the biggest and best investment of your family.

Our mission is to post useful information we find that can help you sell your home, or make sure it maintains its value, through tough economic years.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Low Inventory of Homes for Sale in Texas: A Texas Migration

Whatever your opinion of the man, over the past year Governor Rick Perry has been devoting a lot of time wooing new residents to Texas. A lot of new residents. He is doing this by wooing corporations. Major corporations.

NPR has dubbed this Rick Perry's "War on the Blue States."* Our governor is indeed targeting states that happen to be tall on setting government restrictions on business, and short on free market ideologies. With ad campaigns on local stations in these states, and itineraries scheduled to meet with key business leaders there, news journalists declare that Perry is out to "poach" businesses from other states to relocate to Texas, charming them with the notion they will be avoiding liberal state impediments to business success.

Governor Perry has recently expanded his tour of the states to the eastern seaboard. Most have heard about his campaign in California earlier this year. This past June he headed east to the gun manufacturers* of Connecticut and New York, recently hit hard by gun control legislation, encouraging them to come to the Second-Amendment-friendly and business-friendly environment of Texas to set up shop. Perry's visit was most welcome by the gun manufacturers of these states. CEO and president of Colt's Manufacturing Company Dennis Veilleux was among those who welcomed Perry's visit. Colt's Manufacturing has been around for 175 years, and is literally a major part of American history. So, for this company to pull up roots from Connecticut to relocate to Texas would be very bad for Connecticut, but exceptionally good for Texas.

What This Means for Texans 

Whether you approve of Perry's very assertive effort to draw key businesses of other states to Texas, the success of his efforts means that the list of businesses relocating to Texas will be growing, and already, families are moving to Texas in droves. It also means that the span of industries well represented in this state are increasing, becoming stronger, and more diverse. This bodes well for the future of Texas and its ongoing attraction to families and industries for years to come. Right now, record home sales are happening all across Texas -  from Dallas in the North, to Austin and San Antonio in Central Texas, to all of East Texas, including our own Montgomery County north of Houston. As a consequence, your home is very valuable to the vast number of people looking to move here. Relocating families are finding that home inventory around here is slim to none.  Homes are sold almost from the moment they are mentioned as for sale to a Texas realtor.

Thinking about selling your home? 

If you are thinking about selling to move up or to downsize, now may be an excellent time. Call Lauri Kent at (936) 447-6000. Visit Lauri's website here. Also see this story on the website.

* Articles for more information:

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